Too hot!

​My girl has Autism.
She also has Sensory Processing Disorder.

This can manifest in several ways.
Today it showed itself by illustrating my girls difficulty with temperature regulation.
Children, and adults, with Autism often have problems with temperature regulation which can cause some extreme reactions.

My girl loves the cold.
In the winter she will walk around our freezing cold house in just her underwear (if we are lucky and she will wear some!)
She will play outside in freezing conditions in just a t shirt and never complains she is cold.
She rarely wears a coat or even long sleeves!

My girl hates the heat.
She hates to be hot.
But, when it is hot weather like today, she will put on a coat!
She cannot tolerate a bath, even tepid water causes her to overheat causing dizzy spells and light headedness…..
….but she dresses for winter in the summer!

What I find hard to understand is that someone can feel temperature different to me.
It makes sense to me to put clothes on when I am cold, take them off when I am hot…..
….but imagined your senses being so confused that you put a coat on in the boiling sunshine.

It is just another thing we need to see through my girls eyes.

Another thing to try and comprehend to reduce meltdowns.

Another thing that makes my girl unique.

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